Blogging is back

Blog is the new Black

January 24, 20251 min read

This year I've decided to focus on things that truly light me up. We waste so much time on things we think we "should" do, running on a predeterminded hamster wheel of life checking off all the boxes. I realized that life, alas, was missing something.

I took a long almost four year hiatus from social media, without even telling anyone (gasssp, I know...) until now I guess, which used to be a big outlet of sharing for me. But in my heart and soul, I love writing. I also really miss reading blogs.

When I was newbie to Los Angeles in my very early adulthood, keeping up with a handful of old school bloggers was my favorite past time. Most of them have just disappeared into the abyss, replaced by a flood of new tik tokers. I asked myself the other day, "What happened to them all?"

Instead of worrying about it too much, I decided instead of worrying why no one blogs anymore, I thought I'd just create one.

If people read it, awesome.

If they don't, awesome.

If it becomes a thing, that's cool.

If it doesn't, that's cool.

I'm writing it anyway.

So come along for the ride, I'm taking you back to the old school.

Welcome to the adventure. I'm calling this blog "The Bold Edit", because it's a combination of all the things that stand out in bold to me in my life.

Let's do this thing.

Danielle Prahl is an online business coach, your virual bff + a launch expert/passive income queen. 
Danielle loves to teach entrepreneurs how to start and online business, how to create their offers and services online, helps them create, grow and launch their courses. Danielle also helps entrepreneurs scale their businesses to new income levels.

Danielle Prahl

Danielle Prahl is an online business coach, your virual bff + a launch expert/passive income queen. Danielle loves to teach entrepreneurs how to start and online business, how to create their offers and services online, helps them create, grow and launch their courses. Danielle also helps entrepreneurs scale their businesses to new income levels.

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